Certified again

I took the Dreamweaver MX 2004 certification this morning, and I'm now certified again. I only scored 88% this time, but then again I finished the 90 minute test in 20, had a client meeting I had to get to (I'm blaming poor scheduling on my part).

Posted by Daniel Short on Dec 12, 2003 at 12:00 AM | Categories: MAX - Rambling -



~Angela wrote on 12/13/03 3:30 PM

Soon as I'm able to drive again, I'm gonna have to try and beat your score. ;-) I couldn't beat you last time since you left almost no room! Seriously though, congrats!
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 12/13/03 3:30 PM

I betcha beat me easy this time :)

Danilo wrote on 12/15/03 7:38 AM

Hmmm, I may have to vote to remove the "slacker" appellation from you if you keep working quickly. 20 min for a 90 min test while on the way to a client meeting? What's this world coming to?
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 12/15/03 7:38 AM

I'm not really a slacker, I just play one on TV.

Dad wrote on 12/15/03 8:11 AM

I always knew you were certified (crazy)! Take after your old man. By the way, you are grounded for only making a 88. Your better than that! The sham ya half brung on the famerlie!!! Luv yuz all Pops
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 12/15/03 8:11 AM

lol... I had to make up for the 98 I scored last year. It made everyone feel bad...