Look Ma, I'm Famous Too :)

My little lady was on the tube the other day, and now I'm famous too.

There are also lots of other interviews up on the site. Most of them run around 5 minutes, so there's no excuse for not watching them ;)

Posted by Daniel Short on Oct 24, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Categories: MAX - ColdFusion - Rambling -



Rendie wrote on 10/25/05 1:08 PM

I have no clue what you were talking about, but you sounded really smart. Love ya cus
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 10/25/05 1:08 PM

lol... thankis :)

Walker wrote on 11/09/05 10:42 AM

Yo, I've seen some of your lynda.com titles and gotta say you rock! I didn't even know this was a real blog either ^^
Daniel Short

Daniel Short wrote on 11/09/05 10:42 AM

lol... thanks for the comment Walker. I shall rock out some more post haste :)